What Nutritional Supplements Should I Take


The days are shorter, and it's cold and winter is coming!
Our normal diet is not enough to tackle all problems related to the change of the season; it is necessary to resort to food supplements.

But, Supplements are effective?
What is the right way forward for stress and feel beautiful and in shape during the winter season?

These are the answers to your questions!

What are dietary supplements?
Food supplements are concentrated nutrients that, thanks to their virtues nutritional or physiological complement a balanced diet without increasing energy intake. There are medicines and do not heal from any disease but increase the prosperity, and importance cannot replace a balanced diet. Constitute an additional source of minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc, phosphorus), vitamins (C, B, D), fatty acids, fiber. All supplements are very convenient to take and present themselves in many forms: pills, capsules, pills, ampoules, bags.
What Nutritional Supplements Should I Take

Who are they?
In our current society, as a result of an evolution in lifestyle, our eating habits have changed: More and less time devoted to meals, they eat almost the same thing, both for reasons of time to spare; you choose processed foods rather than fresh and natural. The result is that our power alone no longer satisfies all our nutritional needs, which are greatly increased by stress, smoking, pollution. Dietary supplements are suitable for those who want to overcome their food shortages or meet a specific need. They are suitable for those who want to relax, improve your muscle tone, lose weight, achieve greater beauty, be smarter more careful with memory, better digestion.

Are there any risks?
A European law has recently clarified some things, offering consumers greater security. It has been clearly established what are food supplements, making it clear also very strict rules for labels and instructions. It was drawn up the list of vitamins and minerals, the maximum levels for each element and their purity criteria, with the obligation to mention the daily dose on the label accommodate and a warning about the risk of exceeding the recommended dose. In particular, the labeling of supplements mentioning all this information, warning that this supplement does not replace a balanced diet and in no case can refer to any curative or preventive.

Where and how should you buy used?
First of all you need to clearly identify what the problem or lack of resolve by analyzing your lifestyle and bad food. There are many commercial channels authorized the sale of supplements: health food stores, pharmacies, drugstores, specialty stores, supermarkets, direct sales. But the ideal is to consult a financial professional, always read carefully the information on the label. The optimal period of use of renewable periods of at least 3 months, taking care not to exceed the recommended dose or use more supplements from the same active ingredients: the risk of overdose and could do harm.

A tip!
Herbalife for over 27 years we have led in the science of nutrition and weight control, offering innovative products of the highest quality, in compliance with the law to which reference was made ​​first. The wide range of Herbalife supplements intended to provide the nutrients we need daily to achieve good health and stay healthy. At the base of each solution Herbalife are the principles of "Smart Nutrition", to provide the body with the nutritional support it needs.