Fat Protein Powder

The myths about protein powders are many. One is fat to consume protein? Is there a real risk that it is contaminated? I will also give some guidelines for possible use by protein supplements as a supplement to other diet.

The myths about protein supplements are numerous, here we take the life of some of the most common.

1. You get fat protein supplements

Protein contains albeit the same amount of energy as carbohydrates (4 calories per gram), but the protein requires a lot of energy to digest and used, via the so-called diet dessert thermogenic (eng: "thermic effect of food"). Up to 30% of the energy disappears here. Protein (whether in the form of grants or through the solid or liquid food) provides prolonged satiety, stabilizes blood sugar levels, maintain combustion, and helps to preserve muscle mass during dieting.

2. You need to use protein powder to get this card training

The use of protein powder has exploded in recent years. Who has not noticed the advertisement on the Protein Factory on TV? There is no doubt that increasingly are trying to reach the man in the street.
Fat Protein Powder

But is it really the case that one has to use protein powder to get maximum benefits from the training? The answer is a conditional no. This is justified in that if you are good with your diet, you need not necessarily have to include something extra in the form of grants. However, it is both practical and in some cases financially to take some of today's protein intake in the form of protein powder. This depends however on what is the objective of your training.

3. Protein powders can often be contaminated with doping substances or prohibited

I've never understood strictly me on this smear campaign against supplements that so many have fronted sharply. On the basis of vague research you did 10-15 years ago, one can still read about the nutritionists and doctors who are expressing their skepticism.

There is no hold that today should be able to believe that protein supplements are still contaminated.

General information about the protein nutrients

Protein which nutrients are important to you as a coach, and want maximum profit. How much you should take, depends both on body weight and what you want to achieve. For fitness athletes, I recommend an intake of 1.2 to 1.6 g protein / per kg body weight. If you train strength, I would recommend between 1.8 to 2.2 g protein / per kg body weight. If you while you exercise, you want to lose weight, I suggest you lie in the upper layer.

You do of course not to sit and finregne protein your needs. A quick estimate holds galore. Are you a 60kg girl and strength training and cardio 3-4 times a week, try to be around 100g of protein per day.

What you get in you simply by eating a protein meal with meat or fish, while you also eat some eggs, maybe a can lean curd, some oatmeal and a couple of glasses of milk a day.

In the next blog we will look at the importance of carbohydrates for you as coach. It is not so simple that it is carbohydrates that have made us fat.